Sylvac - Plastiform

Sylvac - Plastiform thumbnail
Sylvac - Plastiform thumbnail
Sylvac - Plastiform thumbnail

Sylvac - PLASTIFORM products are made up of two components that solidify upon contact (mixing ratio 1:1). While curing, they imitate all details of the surface on which they are applied with a very high precision: dimensions, forms, texture, surface finish. The products exist in different versions and consistencies: Liquid products (SRL) Cement product (SRC) Dough products (SRD) They allow to obtain flexible, semi-flexible, rigid, or semi-rigid impressions. ApplicationSylvac - PLASTIFORM products allow to perform: Internal complex forms control Internal simple forms control External complex forms control External simple forms control Roughness control Ra Visual surface finish control Protection, masking,…

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+62 21 62 63 851 / 52

Sylvac - PLASTIFORM products are made up of two components that solidify upon contact (mixing ratio 1:1). While curing, they imitate all details of the surface on which they are applied with a very high precision: dimensions, forms, texture, surface finish.

The products exist in different versions and consistencies:

  • Liquid products (SRL)

  • Cement product (SRC)

  • Dough products (SRD)

They allow to obtain flexible, semi-flexible, rigid, or semi-rigid impressions.

Sylvac - PLASTIFORM products allow to perform:

  • Internal complex forms control

  • Internal simple forms control

  • External complex forms control

  • External simple forms control

  • Roughness control Ra

  • Visual surface finish control

  • Protection, masking, seal

  • Fix, clamp, add strength to parts


Dimensional Impressions

Sylvac - PLASTIFORM polymer compounds have unique technical features:

  • Virtually no shrinkage

  • Micron accuracy

  • Shape-retention memory

  • No adhesion, no residue

  • Environmentally friendly

  • Dimensional stability

  • Resistance

- Do you destroy any parts to check internal dimensions or features?
Sylvac - PLASTIFORM avoids most destructive testings. The impression allows to measure and control all internal dimensions in minutes, without damaging the original part.

- Do you have difficulties to control hard-to-access surfaces?
Impossible-to-reach features are no longer a problem with Sylvac - PLASTIFORM impressions.

- Do you have to dismantle heavy or complex assembled parts to control some features?
Using Sylvac - PLASTIFORM often avoids to move heavy parts, or dismantle complex machines. All you need to do is copy the surface, then take the impression to the metrology laboratory.

- Do you need to control surface finish and/or roughness?
Some Sylvac - PLASTIFORM are especially designed for this kind of applications. It is even possible to control Roughness Ra with the SRC8 Ra with a +/- 0,01 µm accuracy.

- Are you doing surface treatments? (chemical, thermic, painting, sandblast, etc)
Sylvac - PLASTIFORM products are used to create protections and masks. They offer a great complement to masking tape and protective caps.

- Do you need to maintain, fix or clamp complex or fragile parts to control or machine them?
Sylvac - PLASTIFORM products can also be used to precisely and quickly maintain parts. The fixing mold can be reused several times.

If you have any kind of questions or any interests for our product, feel free to contact us here

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